From preventative care to cosmetic procedures, we offer a comprehensive array of dental services to meet your needs. Our goal is to assist each patient in achieving and maintaining long term dental health and a beautiful smile.
We want all our patients to be informed decision makers and fully understand any health issues you face. Our website has valuable information about dentistry and dental problems and treatments. We encourage you to visit this site whenever you have concerns about your teeth.
Dr. Childreth is an ASIRD certified dentist. The American Society of Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry is a national not-for-profit association dedicated to educating consumers on the importance of choosing an experienced dental team for dental implants. Membership is by invitation only and restricted to dentists who routinely restore dental implants.
We invite you to visit our contact page to send us a message or ask a question. To request an appointment, call us or visit our Schedule an Appointment page.